‘Vivi Capannori‘, the event promoted by the municipal administration, returns in May as unique opportunity to discover the naturalistic and architectural beauties of our territory.
Each of the 4 weekends, from 4th to 26th May, is dedicated to different types of tourism, so as to expand and diversify the offer.
The appointment at Villa Reale will be dedicated to PET TOURISM for on Sunday 12th May at 3PM
You can walk in the park of Villa Reale with a guided tour in italian (with the association Lucca Info & Guide) with your dogs and stop at the end of the Café to enjoy a Royal Elisa: the guided tour will be FREE with the payment of the ticket of the park at REDUCED rate.
For the occasion, those who participate in the initiative can try the Royal Elisa, a cocktail with Gin Camellia, created by our Café at a reduced price (€6.00) for a break overlooking the lake.
Info and reservations: Lucca Info & Guide 338 5495100 luccainfoguide@gmail.com